Uncle Sam的词源
- Uncle Sam (n.)
- symbol of the United States of America, 1813, coined during the war with Britain as a contrast to John Bull, and no doubt suggested by the initials U.S. in abbreviations. "[L]ater statements connecting it with different government officials of the name of Samuel appear to be unfounded" [OED]. The common figure of Uncle Sam began to appear in political cartoons c. 1850. Only gradually superseded earlier Brother Jonathan (1776), largely through the popularization of the figure by cartoonist Thomas Nast. British in World War I sometimes called U.S. soldiers Sammies.
词源众多。一种说法是United Stated的缩写U.S, 被开玩笑解读成Uncle Sam, 因为读起来更亲切,并逐渐取代美国传统代称Brother Jonathan.
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山姆大叔是美国的绰号,产生于1812年美英战争时期。纽约州一位诚实能干的肉类包装商被人们亲切地称为山姆大叔。他担任纽约州和新泽西州的军需检验员,负责在供应军队的牛肉桶和酒桶上打戳。人们发现该厂的牛肉桶上都盖有E.A.-U.S.的标记。本来,E.A.是一个军火承包商的名字,U.S.是美国的缩写。碰巧山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)的缩写与美国的缩写(U.S.)相同,人们就管美国叫山姆大叔。美国人把山姆大叔诚实可靠、吃苦耐劳以及爱国主义精神视为自己民族的骄傲和共有的品质。1961年,美国国会正式承认山姆大叔为美国的民族象征。